Life and times of SchizoSherlock

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I want World Peace!

Next few days will see scores of articles, commentaries, facebook updates and tweets on Obama’s Nobel win. Here’s my two cents.
He’s the first black American president with a name that sounds more like Osama, with charisma and promising speeches. Does he deserve to have his name etched next to the likes of Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King? Has the Committee awarded him the prize just to encourage nuclear non- proliferation, to profess support? Is it a reward for his naïve but nevertheless colossal ambitions and intentions to have peace with Cuba, Iran and rest of the Islamic world?
The Oslo jury’s rationale for the award is hope. According to the panel, hope breeds peace. In that sense, Obama has made the world hopeful of a more just international order. But other than that, he has achieved very little, just shown goodwill. Hope is not tangible. It will fade over a period of time.
The problem with Obama is that he’s verbose. He tends to ‘over speak’ and frequently fails to accomplish his grand ideas. He has not achieved several important goals he set out to do.
• Guantanamo Bay is still operational
• Health care reforms have been met with mind numbing opposition in the senate
• Permanent military bases in Iraq are still being constructed
• Israel is still building settlements
In light of the above, it would have been better to wait for a couple of years and see if his talk of world peace transpires into action. Doesn't the awarding of the NPP for a short-term political position or set of positions diminish it as recognition of service and achievement? What if Obama is not successful on his policy on disarmament? Or a more multilateral approach to international relations? Or open dialogue with Russia? But it seems that the prize has been given more in prospect, than in retrospect.


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