Life and times of SchizoSherlock

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


My powers of observation though not potent, have led me to a conclusion that people are usually drawn to the grotesque. After studying the nuances of a wide variety of individuals throughout the course of my life, the denouement came as a revelation. The ‘pull’, for a want of a better word, is not a result of the intellect but something more profound, an arcane emotion, ingrained deep into the psyche, from time immemorial. Some might say that the word for this particular sentiment is curiosity but I beg to differ.The desire to witness something hideous can hardly be termed as that. All of us suffer from this ‘affliction’ and I don’t profess to be any different. Human tendency is to equate ugliness to evil and to suppress this temptation is what makes you different from the populace.


Blogger Tomodachi said...

I wonder why? Why do we like gore? Quite a thought provoking piece of blog... I wonder why!!!

February 20, 2008 at 4:45 PM  
Blogger Suhit Pal said...

is it important to remain unique... too many parameteres kept unique 'pushes' you farther from the populace you are comparing the diferrences with.. then u will have to compare with a populace u are similar to.. :)

chill.. just a thot

March 31, 2008 at 4:47 PM  
Blogger Debadeepta Dey said...

Alice Miller says that it is not natural for the human to be drawn towards the grotesque. But it seems so because of the child abuse people go through. Abuse in many forms both blatant and subtle. There is no 'curiosity'. Perhaps a hidden intention to be part of the grotesque as a form of renunciation of the 'ungrotesque'. By renouncing the 'ungrotesque' the individual is freed from expectations of all kinds including hope. The attraction towards the grotesque is an attempt to release all attachment. But instead of being attracted to the true form of renunciation the abused child seeks refuge in the other extreme.

February 17, 2009 at 9:04 AM  

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